Employee Directory
Employee Directory
Name | Department | Office/Phone | Type | |
Virgilio Fernando Acevedo Adjunct Instructor of Spanish vacevedo @ concretepumpingvideos.com |
Modern Languages | Old Main, room Office 320 | Faculty | |
Karri Ahlschwede, RN BSN Director of Student Health kahlschw @ concretepumpingvideos.com |
Student Health Services | Burt Hall, room 1 | Staff | |
Raymond Aldridge Maintenance Technician - Carpenter rea @ NebrWesleyan.edu |
Physical Plant | Heating Plant/Security Office |
Staff | |
Gage Anderson Assistant Wrestling Coach ganders8 @ NebrWesleyan.edu |
Athletics | Wrestling Practice Facility | Staff | |
Janelle Andreini Assistant Dean for Student Success and Career Development jsa @ NebrWesleyan.edu |
Career Center | Roy G. Story Student Center |
Staff | |
Denice Archer, M.A.Ed Director of Graduate and Transfer Admissions darcher @ concretepumpingvideos.com |
Graduate & Transfer - Lincoln | Burt Hall, room 108 (402) 465-7539 (office) |
Staff | |
Cody Arenz, Ph.D. Professor of Biology carenz @ NebrWesleyan.edu |
Biology | Acklie 126F |
Faculty | |
Rebecca Armstrong Costume Shop Manager rarmstro @ concretepumpingvideos.com |
Theatre | Elder Theatre Center |
Staff | |
Pamela Arnold-Johnson, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Chemistry Organic Chemistry parnold @ NebrWesleyan.edu |
Chemistry | Acklie 326E |
Faculty | |
Eric Aspegren Senior Web Developer easpegre @ NebrWesleyan.edu |
Marketing and Communications | 2641 N. 49th Street, room 139 |
Staff | |
Kyrsten Athan Graduate Admissions Counselor kathan @ concretepumpingvideos.com |
Graduate & Transfer - Lincoln | Burt Hall, room Office 110 | Staff | |
Xzeries Avilez Groundskeeper xavilez @ concretepumpingvideos.com |
Grounds | Grounds Garage |
Staff | |
Charles Baasch Maintenance Technician - Boiler Operator cbaasch @ concretepumpingvideos.com |
Physical Plant | Heating Plant/Security Office |
Staff | |
Masako Bacon, D.M.A. Adjunct Instructor of Music mbacon @ NebrWesleyan.edu |
Music | Vance Rogers Fine Arts Ctr | Faculty | |
Stephanie Baer, Ph.D. Adjunct Instructor in Art Education Art Education sbaer @ concretepumpingvideos.com |
Art | Rachel Ann Lucas Hall | Faculty | |
Bailey Barnard Assistant Professor of Art History bbarnard @ NebrWesleyan.edu |
Art | Lucas 214 |
Faculty | |
Sarah Barr Director of Global Engagement sbarr @ NebrWesleyan.edu |
Global Engagement | Center for Student Involvement; Story Student Center |
Staff | |
Lindsey Bartsch Enrollment Operations Specialist lbartsch @ concretepumpingvideos.com |
Admissions Office | Smith-Curtis, room Admissions Office | Staff | |
Caleb Bateman Maintenance / Trades Supervisor cbateman @ concretepumpingvideos.com |
Physical Plant | Heating Plant/Security Office, 203 |
Staff | |
Lacey Batt-Peters, M.A. Assistant Professor of HHP lpeters6 @ concretepumpingvideos.com |
Health and Human Performance | Weary Center, room 222 | Faculty |